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Position CableWrap near male end of cable
 with fuzzy side facing away from cable.
 Wrap tightly around cable one and a half times.


 Insert a plastic tie through hole closest
 to cable. Pull over and around cable and
 thread through eyelet. Pull tight.
 Repeat with second tie.

 Clip off excess tie.
 The Rip-Tie CableWrap is now anchored
 in place.
 Cover Heads of ties in the flap.

 Wrap CableWrap tightly around bundled cable
 with the fuzzy side out until cables are secure.
 To release, pull the tab.

SPITA Smart Products B.V.
Industrieweg 18-9           
3846 BD Harderwijk (NL)
Tel. +31 (0)341 - 414993

Copyright 2023 G&G Investments B.V.
De merknamen en logo's van "SPITA" , "ResQ-tape" , "ResQ-plast" , "ResQ-mold" ,
"ResQ-rope" , "ResQ-spray"  "FireFighter" zijn eigendom van G&G Investments BV.
The brand names & logos of 
"SPITA" , "ResQ-tape" , "ResQ-plast" , "ResQ-mold" ,
"ResQ-rope" , "ResQ-spray", "FireFighter" are intellectual property of G&G Investments BV.
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