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The time table underneath tells you the maximum recording time you will get
from the selected tape length. You can also use it to calculate the tape length
you need for a specific recording time.

Tape speed in cm/seconds 4,75 9,5 19 38 76
Tape speed in inch/seconds 1.875 3.75 7.5 15 30
Length of tape in:

      feet             meter
 Playing time in minutes:
600183  6432 16 
900274 9648 24 12 
1200366 12864 32 16 
1800549 19296 48 24 12 
2500762 266133 66 33 16
32801000 3501758743 22 
36001097 384192 96 48 24 
37501143  400 200 100 50 25 
46001402  490 245 122 61 30 
5000 1524  533 266 133 66 33 
72002195  768 384 192 96 48 
97002957  1034 517 258 129 65 

SPITA Smart Products B.V.
Industrieweg 18-9           
3846 BD Harderwijk (NL)
Tel. +31 (0)341 - 414993

Copyright 2023 G&G Investments B.V.
De merknamen en logo's van "SPITA" , "ResQ-tape" , "ResQ-plast" , "ResQ-mold" ,
"ResQ-rope" , "ResQ-spray"  "FireFighter" zijn eigendom van G&G Investments BV.
The brand names & logos of 
"SPITA" , "ResQ-tape" , "ResQ-plast" , "ResQ-mold" ,
"ResQ-rope" , "ResQ-spray", "FireFighter" are intellectual property of G&G Investments BV.
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